My first niece was born on 8/31/09 at 10:21 AM. She weighed in at 8lbs. 8oz. and was 20.5". I have only seen a few pictures so far and am waiting anxiously for more. She looks adorable. My little nephew Matt started to cry at the hospital when they couldn't take her home. He was saying that there wasn't any milk at the hospital for her to drink. Cute! She is home now and I'm sure my brother and sister-in-law are having a fun time getting used to a family of 5! My mom actually flew out there yesterday to visit and to help. Congratulations Chris and Kristen. Eric and I can't wait to meet Abigail!
Here is the only picture I could get. I will post more when I get them:
Friday, September 11, 2009
Introducing Abigail Tayler DeLange
Posted by Allison at 3:25 PM 0 comments
A Visit From Eric's Mom
One week before school started up again for Eric, his mom decided to come for a visit. We hadn't seen her since March, so it was good to see her. We had a lot of fun sitting around our table talking. I heard a lot of great stories about Eric as a child. He was a bundle of energy. That's what I get to look forward to when we have children! :) We ate out at a lot of great restaurants and we took her to watch the people battle it out at the park on Thursday nights. I don't think I have ever blogged about that. That's a story that will have to come later. We also went and saw GI Joe. It's always fun to have family come and visit. I wish we lived closer to all of our family so we didn't have to go so long between visits. Thanks for coming to visit!
Posted by Allison at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Our First Big Purchase
Eric and I like to go to the RC Wiley Outlet store and walk around to see if there are any great deals. In July we decided that we wanted to buy a chair and a half. A few of our friends have them and they are just so comfortable. One day we decided to go to the real RC Wiley store to look around. The only chair we found was part of this great furniture set that Eric and I were sitting on just dreaming about the day when we can have nice furniture. Well the next week-end we happened to go to the outlet store again, just walking around, when SURPRISE, that couch was there! It is a really big, really nice couch and we couldn't believe it was there. We looked at the price and it was 50% off! We thought there had to be something seriously wrong with the couch. Turns out there was a little tear that they fixed. You can hardly see it. The sales guy told us that he would give us $30 off of the already listed price if we picked it up ourselves and then he would throw in a free scotchguard. Great deal! The only problem is that we don't have a truck and neither do any of our friends. We went back the next day to get it with the plan of asking if we could borrow a cart, because we only live 3 blocks away. They let us, so Eric and I pushed this large couch down the street. People were staring at us. It was pretty funny. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures. I wish I would have. Eric and our neighbor Mike brought the couch up to our apartment and it barely fit! It will be interesting to get it out when we move. A week later we decided to buy the ottoman that goes with it. I'm glad we did. It made it that much better. Eric and I are happy with out purchase. It is so much better than that futon!
Posted by Allison at 2:20 PM 3 comments