Sunday, April 22, 2012

I Failed Again

I really thought my new approach at blogging would help to motivate me to do it.  Like this blog post title said, I failed!  I am going to keep trying though.  A lot has been going on around here.  Mostly we had to deal with teething and everything that came with it.  We are actually still dealing with the repercussions of teething even though his teeth have been in for a few weeks.  Mostly just his sleep has been HORRIBLE.  I mean 30 minute naps during the day and waking numerous times at night.  I think he forgot how to self soothe and I've been trying to reteach him but it is so hard!  I won't give up though.  We also stopped swaddling him since he is now too big for his swaddlers.  He still likes to be swaddled so that is a challenge with his sleep too.  He is still a pretty happy little guy.  Some days are better than others but I love being him mommy no matter what.  His little smile and laugh just make me so happy. 

Moral of this blog:  I am going to try harder to be a more consistent blogger again.