Monday, April 23, 2012

Picnic in the Park

I was trying to think of what to make for dinner tonight, and decided that I wanted to do a picnic.  I actually wanted to do one yesterday, but we had too much going on in the afternoon and dinner plans were already made.  Since the weather was so nice today, I decided that today was the day.  I didn't really have any good food for a picnic dinner so I decided that we would go to Costa Vida and then head over to a park to eat it.  I actually wanted to go to a park with a swing set with a baby swing, but I didn't know of any so we went to Rock Canyon park.  This also happens to be the park where Eric proposed to me!  So we drove around a little bit and found the perfect spot in the shade.  We set Travis up with some toys and enjoyed our delicious burritos in peace.  It was a perfect evening.  I think this might become at least a monthly tradition this summer.  It was just what we needed.  I think Travis loved it too!  He even got his first ride down a slide.  Thank you Utah for the perfect weather this evening.

Set up with his toys

View to our left

View to our right

Daddy and his boy
First time down a slide!
Our little family

Travis even got to participate in the picnic.  Yummy prunes!

Also, you must check out this video.  This is what he was doing for the last part of the evening and most of the way home.  Funny boy.  Oh, and sorry it's sideways.  I don't know how to fix it.  Enjoy!


Tess said...

Your pictures of the views sure make me miss Utah! Enjoy them to the fullest for me! Also how is Travis getting so big?! He's such a cutie!