So today I went to work at 8, and about an hour later the snow just started falling. There were huge snowflakes coming down and the ground and trees were just covered in white. It was so pretty. Over lunch there had to be about 6 inches. All I know is that ballet flats without socks was not a good idea when walking through fresh now! So about an hour after I got back from lunch, I received an e-mail stating that the University was closing down due to the weather so that the employees could get home safely. Eric came to get me and then we went home. The snow just kept coming and coming. Eric and I decided that we wanted to take some pictures of it. We went outside just for a few minutes and played in it. This snow is the PERFECT snow for snowballs and forts!! I was so ready to play. I made a few snowballs and threw them at Eric... and he did the same. It was fun... and here's the proof of the pretty snow!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow
Posted by Allison at 11:26 PM 1 comments
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree
One day early in December Eric and I were thinking about what kind of Christmas Tree to get. We were thinking about getting a fake one because then we wouldn't have to store it. Well we went to look at them only to realize that little trees cost like 30 dollars. That was as much as this tree from Wal-Mart that's 6.5' and pre-lit... so we decided to go fake. It actually looks quite nice and will last us a few years. We bought a few bulbs at Wal-Mart but not too many because Eric and I both have ornaments from going up. We only have Eric's right now, but all of mine will be on there soon. We tied a cute little bow on the top... and we have a cute little tree. I actually really like it. It reminds me of my tree from home. We may need to get an actual tree topper for next year, but I think it's a great tree for our 1st Christmas. We did such a great job. Oh, and the tree skirt was $1 from the Dollar Store. Gotta love it!! What a Pretty tree!!!
Posted by Allison at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Temple Square
Two week-ends ago, a few of us couples got together to go up to Temple Square to see the lights. Before going up there we stopped at Five Guys (yes we like to eat there) and then headed up to Salt Lake. After searching for a spot for what seemed like hours, we finally got there. We walked around and took a few pictures. The lights are absolutely amazing. The trees are covered in lights. Someday I would like my trees to look like that! Then we walked over to Starbucks to get some carmel apple ciders. That did the trick. We were all a little cold. It was a nice little trip. It was nice to get out and walk around in such a beautiful place. We got about every year, but every year it is still worth it!!
Posted by Allison at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
Festival of the Trees
After getting back from VA, our good friends Kirsten and Aaron called us up and asked us to go to the Festival of the Trees with them. I had never heard of it, but it sounded like fun, so we said we would. After going to eat at delicious Five Guys (if you don't know what it is... ask us and we'll take you) we headed up to the SouthTown Expo Center and saw some amazing Gingerbread houses and Christmas Trees. There were so many trees there that were all decorated so nicely. People get to buy the trees and anything that comes with it, and the money gets donated to a children's hospital or something. It's a pretty cool thing that they do. The whole place was filled with Christmas stuff... including food. Here is a glimpse of what we saw:
Had my camera not died, I would have taken a lot more pictures. There were a lot of amazing trees. What a fun night we had!
Posted by Allison at 7:55 PM 1 comments
So maybe it's a little late to blog about Thanksgiving, but oh well. We actually went to Virginia for the holiday. Eric and I flew to Virginia the day before. We spent the evening with his family and went to eat at Sweetwater Tavern for Eric's birthday. The food was excellent. We then had some Boston Cream Pie for his Birthday. The next day was Thanksgiving, so the morning was spent preparing for the FEAST!!! Eric's Aunt and Uncle came over with his three cousins. We had a lot of good food!! Shortly after we finished eating, we ran over to the movie theater to see Bolt. It was such a cute movie. I would recommend it to anyone!! After that movie, just Eric's immediate family, which includes me as well, ran to a different movie theater to see James Bond. That one was good as well. The next day we got up and went to Mount Vernon, which was George Washington's house. It was very pretty and quite large for that time. The house is right on the Potomac River. It has a great view! Later that evening, we all went in to DC to go see a Jazz concert put on by the Washington National Symphony. The had the US Army Jazz AMbassadors there along with other performers. That was a very good concert. Jazz music is quite enjoyable. The next morning Patty, Carly and I went off and had a little girl shoppng too. Those are always fun. We got a few new crafts to do and Christmas dresses! It was a very productive trip! That evening we all got decked out in Green and Gold and headed off to a George Mason basketball game. His family all loves going to those games! The team won, which is always a plus! Then we all went home and played some games. I won't go too much into that because I am still a little bitter about the outcome! The next day we all got to help set up their Christmas tree and put all their decorations up around the house. I love Christmas, so this was a fun thing for me. Later that afernoon we were off to the airport... and back to Utah. The vacation was far too short, but very enjoyable!! Here are some pictures of our visit to Mount Vernon:
Posted by Allison at 6:59 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Today is Eric’s 25th Birthday! Isn’t he getting so old? Kidding! He’s still a spring chicken. I have some fun things planned for us to do tonight and then tomorrow we will be in Virginia celebrating again. Lucky guy… he’s going to get more than just one birthday celebration. Well to honor Eric on this very special day, I want to tell all of you 25 things that I love about Eric. So here we go:
1. He is so nice to everyone
2. He likes to have fun
3. He is a wonderful singer
4. He is a wonderful piano player, which makes me jealous
5. He has a way with people and can make everyone laugh
6. He is a great cook
7. He loves sports and will play them with me
8. He loves to play games with me too, he even lets me win on occasion
9. He is worthy to go to the temple and is very active in the church
10. He loves his family and is so nice to his mom and sister
11. He loves my family
12. He studies so hard so that he can get good grades and eventually a good job
13. He is such a hard worker in general
14. He is great with little kids and will make a great father someday
15. He tucks me in every night when he can’t come to bed with me
16. He is a very clean person
17. He is a great teacher
18. He makes everyone around him feel special
19. He likes sugar and could eat it all of the time
20. He is very creative
21. He is sweet and romantic
22. He dances with me
23. He is very supportive of me in everything that I do
24. He is great with money
25. He loves me
So there we go, those are 25 of the things that I love about Eric. I could go on much longer, but I’m sure everyone would not like to read that. Happy Birthday Eric! I love you!
Posted by Allison at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Our apartment!
Okay, so I hope that I have blogged enough for all of you who actually read this (I don't know how many of you actually do....). My last post of the day is going to be of our little apartment. I took some pictures this morning. We really like our little apartment. It suites our needs for the most part. The only thing that it doesn't have, is the option to have a dog. That would make it perfect for Eric. He wants one so bad!! We are saving our change to buy one someday. So if any of you would like to add to our dog fund, it would be much appreciated!! Anyways, here is our apartment:
This is the family room. It's not terribly big, but it's comfortable. As you can see, this is where the front door is. You immediately walk into the family room and then go straight back to the dining room and kitchen.
Here is the dining room/kitchen. The kitchen isn't very big, but it has a lot of cupboard space and counter space for the size. I actually like the kitchen a lot. We even have two little bar stools which are fun to have. I eat lunch there a lot! The washer and dryer are in a closet next to the fridge, but you can't see those doors in this picture.
This really isn't a great pictures of our spare bedroom, but it was hard to get at an angle where you could see the whole thing. These are our two little shelves. You can see the chair to our desk against the wall. You can also see Eric's bamboo plant. This is quite possiby Eric's very favorite thing in the entire place. He likes to show people it whenever they come over. Isn't he cute? So yeah, we also have our bedroom and a bathroom, but they aren't very exciting, so I'll spare you pictures of them! I hope you like it. If you ever want to see it in person, just come on over! We love having guests. Our couch is even a fouton, so we could even have a sleepover!!
Posted by Allison at 2:03 PM 1 comments
Salt and Pepper anyone?
So I'm going a little out of order here, but that's alright. This year for Halloween, Eric and I decided to be something that was cheap and easy. Eric was joking about being the singers Salt & Pepper, but then the thought came to me. We could be Salt and Pepper shakers. So we did. Eric dressed all in black and I dressed all in white. We then put the letters "S" and "P" on our shirts. I had some cardstock that we made little salt shaker hats out of and wrote "salt" and "pepper" on. I thought our costumes were pretty cute! Here we are wearing them:
Also, this year we were slackers and didn't carve pumpkins, but we did make sugar cookies. For any of your who know me pretty well, you know that I love makin sugar cookies. Eric and I had a fun time decorating them. Eric was getting pretty into it. I love that he is willing to do these types of things with me. He is such a great husband! I love him. Anyways, here are some pictures of our cookies:
Here is Eric decorating, in his Redskins jersey. They must have been playing that day!
Some of the cookies that we decorated! Aren't they cute. Especially the creepy skeleton cat! haha, kidding!
Posted by Allison at 1:48 PM 0 comments
This is what happens when you let an 8 year old do your hair...
Two week-ends ago Eric and I went up to my cousins David's house. His little daughter Caitlyn was getting baptized. So we went up there for the evening. We went to her baptism which was nice and then we went back to their house for dinner. After dinner Caitlyn asked me if she could do my hair. Of course I said yes. What girl doesn't love it when you play with her hair? She tried a couple different styles, because she was "trying to find my style." Well here is the end product. I guess this is my new style!
Do you think that I should do my hair like this everyday? I thought it was pretty funny. She is such a fun little girl! After this, I went to join Eric and my cousin Ashley in the basement where they were playing guitar hero. Ashley is amazing at guitar hero. She totally killed Eric and I. I think Eric and I should get a wii... maybe someday when we have more money...
Posted by Allison at 1:39 PM 0 comments
I'm such a little seamstress!
Ok well the title isn't exactly true. My mom gave me her old sewing machine, because I really want to learn to sew. The other week-end Eric pulled it out for me to try it out. Now this sewing machine is quite old, as you will be able to tell from the pictures. When Eric opened it up, the first thing he said was, "It smells like the 70's!" Let me tell you, he wasn't lieing. It's pretty awesome. Anyways, I read the instructions and got that thing going. Eric thinks it's cool that I want to get into sewing, so he took some pictures. I'm a little embarrased to put these pictures up, because I look pretty gross. I hadn't gotten ready for the day yet! Anyways, here are some sewing pictures!
Me posing with the machine. I think my face is saying, "I'm smiling for you but I really don't want be!"
Here I am trying to understand the directions from the 70's. I eventually got them.
Trying out the machine! Look at me go...
The end product of what I started to make that day. Isn't it so cute? I'm pretty proud of myself for doing this. Hand stitching those letters is hard. It isn't easy making them look good!
Posted by Allison at 1:22 PM 2 comments
I got tagged!!
My friend Staci tagged me on her blog, so now I must play along or else it isn't any fun! So here we go:
Tag Rules: Go to the 3rd folder of your pictures and select the 3rd picture in. BLOG!
Alright, well this is a funny picture to those of us who were involved in this incident!! So Aubrey will definitely enjoy this. Two summers ago our apartment was being recarpeted, so we had to move all of our stuff off of the ground. One of our roomies was out of town, so we had to move all of her stuff for her. Well being the girls we are, we decided to pay a little dess up with the clothes in her closet. I think it was like midnight and we all had crazy little outfits on. We were running around the apartment taking random pictures... I think i will add another picture so that you can see all of the outfits. Yeah, so maybe this picture isn't so funny... but at the time it was HILARIOUS!!
Megan in her cool outfit!
All of us involved!
And i tag: Amber, Lindsay, Kristen, Aubrey and Mom
Posted by Allison at 1:09 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
It's been a good month
Once again I have been a blogging lame-o!! I really don't mean to, and maybe someday I will be much better. It really had been a good month though. The highlight of the month for Eric and I, though, would have to be that Eric was accepted into the Public Relations major at BYU. That's really a big refief for us and it also means that there is an end in sight!! Yes, we will be leaving Provo someday! It's very exciting though. I know that Eric is very happy about it, as he should be. I'm so proud of him!!! I also turned 24 this past month on the 22nd. I am getting so old! Kidding. Eric's mom even came out the week-end before to celebrate with us, among other things. It was nice to have her here, but it was definitely not long enough! We have done a lot of things this past month, and instead of writing about each of them (what a long blog that would be), I am just going to make an AWESOME slide show. So enjoy the pictures.
Posted by Allison at 4:50 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Yesterday Eric and I had an eventful day. In the morning I went and got my hair cut by our friend Rachel, then we went over to Rachel and Steve's apartment to watch the BYU game. I wish I could have actually gone to the game, because it would have been a fun one. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, BYU beat UCLA 59-0. It was crazy!! After the game Eric and I went to the store to get some food for a bonfire later that night. Then we went with Ryan and Amber to their neighborhood picnic to get some free corn on the cob, pie and cotton candy. Then we finally made our way up Provo Canyon to have a bonfire. Since Eric and I have been dating, we've had about two a year. This was the second one this year. We usually go to the same place up in Nun's Park, but someone was there this time. We found another good spot though. It was Eric and I, Ryan and Amber, Rachel and Steve, their Pitbull Bentley, and Steve's brother Brandon. Our friend Sean was supposed to come too, but he got stuck cleaning the football stadium all night. We got a nice fire going, or should I say the boys did, then roasted hot dogs. For a wedding gift in Colorado we got these things called dough boys. Ryan and Amber were there when we got them, so I had been trying to convince them and Eric that they were good. Well I brought all of the supplies necessary to make them, and they were a big hit. Then we played a fun game of scum... but it was getting pretty cold so we packed up and left. I really like having bonfires, and I like that we have friends who like to do stuff like that too. The only thing that would have made the night better was if we had been camping... I want to go so bad. It has been over two years since I last went camping. That's far too long. Maybe next summer...
Posted by Allison at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
What a Relief!!
For about a month before coming back out to Utah, I was applying for a lot of jobs out here. I really wanted to get a good job that was full time with benefits so that I could support us while Eric finishes school. I hadn't heard back from anyone before we left Virginia. I was getting a little nervous. When we got back to Utah, I started applying to more places. On the first Friday that we were here, I got called into an interview for the next Thursday for a job at BYU. I went to the interview and thought it went well. I felt rally good about it until I was told that they were going to start doing second interviews now and that they would let me know by Friday or Monday. On Friday I sat by my phone all day hoping for a call. I heard nothing back all day... until 4!! Talk about making someone nervous. They asked me to come back for an interview early Monday morning. They also said they were very impressed with me. Well I went in on Monday morning, and after about a 45 minute interview, they offered me the job!!! I was so excited. Eric and I had been prayin really hard about this job, because we'vre both heard that BYU is such a great place to work and that they have great benefits. I feel very blessed to have gotten this job. I started work the next day and so far I like it. So now I am officially an advisor in the Bachelor of General Studies office in the Department of Continuing Education. Everyone there is so nice, and I think that I will really like working there. It is close to home, and if I want to, I can see Eric.
Yesterday when I came home from work, Eric made me close my eyes because there was somthing that he wanted to show me. I went into the kitchen and heard he getting something out of the fridge. Well when I opened my eyes I saw the following:
Eric's parents and sister sent me this wonderful edible bouquet to congratulate me on getting the job. It wa so nice of them. I really appreciate it. Both our families were both very excited for me. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family and such great in-laws. Here is me with my delicious bouquet!!
Posted by Allison at 8:59 PM 2 comments
Bridal Shower
This past week-end, my friend Aubrey had a bridal shower. She's getting married to a guy from our freshmen year in college. I think that's pretty cool. She had her shower at Chile's, her favorite restaurant. It was good to see her after the summer and also to see a few of my friend from Freshmen year, well the one's that are still here in Utah. We just chatted a lot, ate some good food, Aubrey answered questions that Bryce was asked also asked, and then we had delicious dessert. Here's a picture of the girls who were there.
Posted by Allison at 8:46 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Our Fun Little Trip
Eric and I drove back to Utah from Virginia on August 23rd. It took us four days to make the trip. The trip was probably a little more exciting for me, since I had never made the drive before or been in most of those states. We were in the car for a LONG time... but it was fun. The first day we drove to Indianapolis, because Eric's mission companion's family lives there. Eric is pretty good friends with them so it was fun for him to see them. They took us out to dinner and ice-cream. The next day we drove for twelve hours and made it all the way to Hays, KS. I never knew how exciting Kansas was!!! Kansas City looked pretty cool, but then after that, there was nothing. We stopped in St. Louis to look at the arch. I liked it a lot. I had only seen it from an airplane before. We stayed in Hays, and ate at Carlos O'Kelly's, which was where Eric worked during High School. We were pretty excited to see they had one there. We were both really hungry. The next day we only drove for four hours, because we stopped in Colorado to stay with my Aunt and Uncle. It was great to see my family. I miss spending holiday's with them. My cousin and her family came over for a BBQ that night. The next morning we left and drove the eight hours to Utah. We stopped at this rest stop called Grizzly Creek. My family used to ALWAYS stop there when we were driving to Utah. The Colorado river runs right through it and the view is amazing. We finally got to Provo in the evening, unpacked our car, and got some sleep. After that it was a lot of cleaning, unpacking and decorating. I will post some pictures of our apartment a little later. So far I like it. I think it will work well for us. Here are some pictures of our little trip:
Posted by Allison at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I was such a blogging slacker for the past month!!
I got a little lazy with my blogging this month. I apologize for any of you out there who like to view our blog. I will get better I promise. This blog will be dedicated to a review of the past month, and then I will catch everyone up with the more recent events in our lives.
First off, Eric and I went to the Air and Space Museum. Here are a few picures of that adventure:
This is Eric in front of a Helicopter. This was the first Helicopter to fly around the world. It is called the "Spirit of Texas."
This is one of Amelia Earhart's planes. Obviously not the one that she was flying when she disappeared, but it's still pretty cool that she flew this one.
This is Eric in a cool hat holding a Republican sucker. They had this stuff in the Museum's gift shop. We thought about having him hold a Democrat sucker and sending it to my brother. He would have loved it! :)
Next thing we did was go to Baltimore with Eric's parents one week-end. We had a lot of fun walking around the Inner Harbor. Eric and I got to go in this little motor boat. I'm not sure that the thing connected to the boat should be called a motor though because it had NO power. It was fun though. We also went to the National Aquarium. It was a neat Aquarium with a lot to see. I loved watching the dolphin show. I think they are so cute. We ate some good food up there and then called it a day! We were up there for a good ten hours I believe. I think we all got our exercise in that day!
The last thing that I am going to write about in this "little" blog is about my summer sewing project. About almost every Thursday starting in June I believe, Eric's mom and I would go over to Sister Johnson's house(from the ward out there) and sew. My project for the summer was to sew a new skirt. It took me awhile, because I am not an experiences seamstress. In the end I got it finished, and I think it turned out pretty cute. Now that I know how to make it, I might just make some more!!


Well that's it for now. I will blog again soon about our trip across the U.S.
Posted by Allison at 8:48 PM 2 comments